I purchased Love Yer Dog shampoo for my rescued yorkie mix Lola Belle who has suffered from chronic skin issues for the 4 years since her gotcha day. I have tried medicated prescription shampoos for $20/bottle with no results, and I made my own shampoos with essential oils that had some positive results for a period of time. With one LOVE YER DOG SHAMPOO, her skin is no longer itchy, greasy, or the scaly flaking yuck that had plagued her since adopting her. Her skin looks amazing and her hair is SOFT AND SHINY! When I took her to the vet, they wondered if I had just given her a bath and it had actually been over 3 weeks and she was due for a bath, but she STILL LOOKED AMAZING. All of my rescue friends that have dogs with skin issues, please try this, I don’t know why it works, but it WORKS, all of my dogs now use this.
Robin Keller