Thank you so much. We love yer product and our Lab’s coat and skin always look great! We will continue to use this product!Trish Rudomanski
Working Well For Labrador Retrievers
Diana the Husky Improves Day by Day
Forgot to post a picture after little Missy’s bath yesterday again with the loveyerdog shampoo. She is looking so good and getting better every day. The smell from the mange has decreased significantly. No need for continuous candle burning. 😜 I forgot to add that I weighed her in at 22lbs last night and she was supposedly 17lbs just over a week ago!
Husky Harrisons
Lola Belle Finds Results Using Love Yer Dog Shampoo
I purchased Love Yer Dog shampoo for my rescued yorkie mix Lola Belle who has suffered from chronic skin issues for the 4 years since her gotcha day. I have tried medicated prescription shampoos for $20/bottle with no results, and I made my own shampoos with essential oils that had some positive results for a period of time. With one LOVE YER DOG SHAMPOO, her skin is no longer itchy, greasy, or the scaly flaking yuck that had plagued her since adopting her. Her skin looks amazing and her hair is SOFT AND SHINY! When I took her to the vet, they wondered if I had just given her a bath and it had actually been over 3 weeks and she was due for a bath, but she STILL LOOKED AMAZING. All of my rescue friends that have dogs with skin issues, please try this, I don’t know why it works, but it WORKS, all of my dogs now use this.
Robin Keller
Hot Spot & Wound Spray a Fast Acting Solution
Absolutely love the Hot Spot and Wound Spray! What used to be a chore every summer is now a blessing. At the very first sign of hot spots I spray all three dogs and by the next day they are completely gone. Great for humans too!
Joanna Grabowski
Quick Transformation Leads to Dog Adoption
I recently had the pleasure of fostering little Elvis in Jacksonville who was found with severe Demodex. I used Love Yer Dog shampoo 3 times per week and the hot spot spray only once per week. Used in conjunction with medication and his transformation was AMAZING! Just yesterday after 2 and half short weeks he was happily adopted. Thank you for helping him to feel better and look well enough for someone to notice how awesome he is!!
Jan Cabe Avant
Update on Stimpy, He has been adopted!
You may have heard all about Stimpy, a sweet natured dog whose owner had to surrender him to the Flagler Humane Society due to the costs of treating Stimpy’s allergies and skin issues. Poor Stimpy was so sad 🙁 Well, us folks at Love Yer Dog fell for this sweet labrador / bloodhound mix and stepped in to help treat him to some Friendly Dog Wash and Hot Spot Remedy. After teaming up with the FHS staff, we met with a wonderful volunteer by the name of Ed who took a special interest in helping us help Stimpy. Ed bathed and treated Stimpy three times a week and was amazed by the improvement to Stimpy’s skin and hair condition as well as, his overall demeanor. The staff at FHS supported Stimpy’s need for soap-free, chemical free dog shampoo and the results were AMAZING!
We are happy to announce that a lovely lady by the name of Jane has adopted this sweet dog and reports to us that she and Stimpy are getting along just famously and now Stimpy has “two couches to choose from.” Yay Stimpy! Recently Jane brought Stimpy to a Flagler Humane Society fundraiser at High Tides at Snack Jack in Flagler Beach, and boy was he a happy doggie! Thank You to Jane for adopting this very special dog! Hope all of you out there will consider adopting a shelter dog, they are the best!
Love Yer Dog Products Help “Stimpy”
Success story for Stimpy, a Flagler Humane Society dog with a new lease on life! See how Love Yer Dog products have helped this sweet boy recover from hair loss and itchy skin!
Suddenly Excited for Bathtime
You know you have a great puppy shampoo when it makes them feel so good that they actually ask for a bath! No…he has NEVER done this before. This shampoo does a great job balancing their PH so that they have balanced skin levels and NO MORE hot spots, which makes mama happy!
– Christine Parker, Georgia
No Further Need for Medication
Cleo, a 5 year old Min Pin was diagnosed with environmentally related chronic severe dermatitis and had bitten, chewed and itched most of the hair off of her lower hind legs. Her owner Ramona had tried oatmeal baths and eventually had to put her pup on Predinzone, a steroid treatment often used for allergy issues. She used a regimen of Love Yer Dog Friendly Dog Wash 2 times a week along with Hot Spot and Wound Remedy once a day and slowly but surely Cleo’s skin issue began to improve.
“We started the LYD treatment 6 months ago. Cleo is now off steroids and she has no biting or itching. The hair has almost completely grown back. I’m very happy with the results. ”
– Ramona, Ormond Beach, FL